
iPhone 16 leak suggests new design

iPhone 16 leak suggests new design

iPhone design

Apple is gearing up to launch the iPhone 16 in September, and a recent leak may have given us a glimpse of its new design. A reliable tipster posted a video on social media showing what appears to be a case mold for the upcoming device. The video aligns with previous leaks and suggests some significant changes.

The most notable is a vertical camera alignment, a departure from the diagonal setup of the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus. This new arrangement is rumored to support recording spatial photos and videos. Another feature highlighted in the leaks is introducing a Capture button across all iPhone 16 models.

This button will give users enhanced control over photo and video capture. There is also speculation about the screen sizes of the new iPhones.

iPhone 16 design leaks emerge

Reports indicate that every model might see an increase, with some potentially reaching up to 6.9 inches. However, the exact dimensions are still unknown. Further rumors suggest four new iPhone models will be unveiled in September, likely running on the latest iOS 18.

While the authenticity of the case mold in the video remains unconfirmed, it has generated a lot of buzz among Apple enthusiasts. As the launch date approaches, more leaks and rumors will surface. Apple fans eagerly await official announcements to see how many of these speculated features and design changes make it into the final product.

The iPhone 16 is shaping up to be an exciting release, with potential camera capabilities, screen size, and overall design upgrades. Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the big reveal in September.

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