
Kenyan farmer gains followers with climate denial

Kenyan farmer gains followers with climate denial

Farmer Denial

Jusper Machogu, a 29-year-old farmer from Kisii, southwest Kenya, has gained a significant online following for his controversial views on climate change. Machogu regularly posts videos on social media platforms, showcasing his daily farming activities while also promoting climate change denial. Despite the scientific consensus that climate change is primarily caused by human activities, Machogu insists that it is mostly a natural phenomenon.

He has repeatedly used the hashtag #ClimateScam to spread his message, claiming that a warmer climate is beneficial for life. Kenya is among the countries most severely affected by climate change, experiencing intense heatwaves, prolonged droughts, and devastating floods. However, Machogu maintains that there is no climate crisis, and that the notion of man-made climate change is a hoax perpetrated by Western nations to keep Africa poor.

Climate scientist Joyce Kimutai, who has contributed to IPCC reports, disagrees with Machogu’s views. “Saying that climate change is a hoax is just really not true,” Dr. Kimutai stated, emphasizing that the evidence for climate change is based on data analysis and observed changes.

Kenyan farmer’s controversial climate stance

Machogu’s campaign, “Fossil Fuels for Africa,” argues that the continent should exploit its vast reserves of oil, gas, and coal to support development. This view is shared by some African governments, who have endorsed new fossil fuel projects despite pledging to transition away from them.

However, climate activists like Nicholas Omonuk from Uganda point out that fossil fuel exploration has not always led to growth and development in Africa, citing the example of Nigeria’s Niger Delta, where people remain poor and suffer from health risks and pollution despite decades of oil extraction. Machogu’s online following, which exceeds 25,000 on X (formerly Twitter), is primarily based in the US, UK, and Canada. Many of his followers also promote conspiracy theories about various topics, including climate change.

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Through fundraising efforts, Machogu has raised over $9,000 in the past two years, claiming to have used the donations to support his local community. Some of his donors have been linked to the fossil fuel industry and climate change denial groups. Dr.

Kimutai warns that Machogu’s promotion of fossil fuels and denial of man-made climate change could be harmful, as low climate literacy levels in Africa and Kenya could allow conspiracy theories to undermine crucial climate action.


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