Maryland State Police warn of Gmail scam

Police Scam

The Maryland State Police Financial Crimes Unit has received reports of a new internet scam targeting Gmail users in the state. Scammers are sending emails to potential victims that include photographs of their homes obtained from Google Maps. In the emails, the scammers attempt to blackmail the victims by claiming they have been viewing pornography or possessing personal information that can be used against them.

The scammers demand that the victims send money via Bitcoin or they will release the information. State Police urge residents to be cautious with links and websites.

Gmail scam alert

They advise not clicking on websites or links that are not trusted. Malicious websites can look legitimate, but there may be slight variations in spellings and logos. Authorities also recommend not sharing any personal or financial information online unless the site is known to be secure.

They caution against letting scammers rush victims into making quick decisions. “Take a moment to stop, breathe, and think rationally,” said a spokesperson for the State Police. “Scammers often push a lot of emotional buttons to make their victims act impulsively.”

If you feel you have been the victim of a scam, contact your local law enforcement or the nearest State Police Barrack for assistance.


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