
Microsoft updates Windows 11 Weather app

Microsoft updates Windows 11 Weather app

Windows Weather

Microsoft has rolled out a significant update to its pre-installed Weather app on Windows 11. The update introduces several changes aimed at enhancing the user experience, but it has also drawn criticism for the increased presence of advertisements. The Weather app’s home page retains its two existing ad blocks but now features a Fluent-like design with rounded buttons.

Users can change between Light and Dark themes through the temperature unit selector pop-up, although this feature is not yet fully functional and is expected to be fixed in future updates. Navigation has been improved with a new control system that allows users to jump between sections on the homepage more easily, reducing the need for excessive scrolling. The app also offers a visually pleasing new light theme.

The “SEE MONTHLY PLANNER” button has been replaced with “SEE MONTHLY,” which now prompts a scroll-down on the same page instead of opening a separate monthly overview. The “WEATHER INSIGHTS” section has been replaced by the “Weather details” section, displaying detailed weather metrics such as Cloud Cover, Wind, Air Quality Index (AQI), Visibility, Dew Point temperature, and Moon phases.

Microsoft enhances Weather app dynamics

The redesigned home page includes a new Weather maps section with updated controls. However, the addition of two new ad blocks in the Monthly section has drawn criticism from users. The final section on the homepage is the Weather trends section, offering historical weather data for a specific location.

Apart from the homepage updates, the rest of the Weather app remains unchanged. The update is being rolled out gradually and may not be available to all users immediately. While Microsoft’s efforts to refine and improve the user experience on Windows 11 are evident, the increased presence of advertisements in the Weather app has prompted backlash from users.

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Some have questioned the necessity of ads in a pre-installed app on an already-paid operating system. As the update continues to roll out, Microsoft encourages users who have received it to share their thoughts and experiences. The company’s response to user feedback will likely shape future updates and the overall direction of the Weather app on Windows 11.


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