
Microsoft urges upgrade to Windows 11

Microsoft urges upgrade to Windows 11

Windows Upgrade

Microsoft is pushing users to upgrade to Windows 11 before it ends support for Windows 10 on October 14, 2025. The company wants users to move to the new operating system so they can keep getting important security updates and new features. Microsoft has started a new campaign to promote Windows 11’s Widgets feature. Widgets help users stay updated on weather, stocks, sports, and even celebrity gossip. The feature is made to give users a smooth experience by adding these updates to their daily routine. Microsoft also launched a new webpage that compares Windows 10 and Windows 11. The page has a detailed guide to help users find and buy a new laptop. This is part of Microsoft’s bigger plan to make the switch to Windows 11 as easy as possible.

upgrading benefits on Windows 11

But upgrading to Windows 11 might not be easy for everyone. Some users might not have the money to buy a new computer that meets the higher system requirements. Even so, Microsoft keeps making Windows 11 better with new features like Live Captions and Windows Recall. These features will be available to everyone in June. Some users have found ways to get around the strict hardware requirements. This lets them use Windows 11 on older computers. But this temporary fix could cause problems with getting support and updates in the future. Microsoft keeps pushing for Windows 11, but it’s not clear how many users will make the switch before Windows 10 reaches its end-of-support date. Users who stay on Windows 10 might have big security problems later on if they don’t get updates.

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