
Nintendo Switch Online adds four new games

Nintendo Switch Online adds four new games

Online Games

Nintendo Switch Online subscribers have reason to celebrate as four highly-anticipated games join the service today.

The additions, announced during the June 18 Nintendo Direct, include two Game Boy Advance titles and two Nintendo 64 classics. Metroid Zero Mission, a remake of the original NES game, and the GBA port of A Link to the Past, which includes the Four Swords multiplayer mode, are now available.

The Zelda title was previously difficult to play due to its requirement of four separate game copies and a link cable. However, Switch Online’s multiplayer support makes it easier than ever to team up with friends and experience this unique Zelda adventure. On the Nintendo 64 front, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and Perfect Dark are joining the lineup.

New titles join Switch Online

Turok, known for its open-ended levels and creative weapons, is a beloved first-person shooter. Perfect Dark, developed by Rare and similar to Goldeneye 007, will feature online play through the subscription service.

Fans are hopeful that the game will run smoother than the original, which can be challenging to play by modern standards. To access these new titles, players must subscribe to the Expansion Pack tier of Nintendo Switch Online, which comes at a slightly higher cost than the base version. However, many consider the extra expense worthwhile given the quality of the additions.

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These games mark an exciting expansion for Nintendo Switch Online, offering both nostalgic experiences and fresh multiplayer opportunities. As Nintendo continues to grow its library, subscribers can look forward to even more classic titles and updates in the future.


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