
NSA advises weekly phone restarts

NSA advises weekly phone restarts

Phone Restart

The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) recently issued a warning about the importance of regularly restarting your smartphone. This simple practice can help protect against certain types of cyberattacks, such as zero-click exploits. Many users frequently restart their laptops or desktop computers but often neglect to do the same with their phones.

Restarting your smartphone can be an effective defense against attacks that do not require user interaction to execute. Hackers can send a specially crafted message or image to infect your phone without any action on your part. These exploits often take advantage of vulnerabilities that remain unpatched by device manufacturers.

One notable example is the Pegasus spyware, which has been used to spy on high-value targets by exploiting zero-click vulnerabilities in both iOS and Android devices. Besides installing the latest security updates, restarting your phone can be a straightforward yet effective defense mechanism against such attacks.

Weekly phone restarts for cybersecurity

The NSA recommends restarting your phone at least once a week for best results. While certain Android phones allow users to set up automatic restarts, iPhone users can create an automation to restart their device at a predetermined time. In addition to regular restarts, there are several other measures you can take to protect your smartphone.

Android users should ensure that Google Play Protect is enabled to scan for malware. For extra security, consider using a reputable Android antivirus app. iPhone users face more complications in scanning for malware due to Apple’s restrictions on iOS apps.

They may need to turn to Mac antivirus software, which requires connecting the iPhone to a Mac via USB to perform scans. Given the sensitive personal and financial information stored on smartphones, they have become significant targets for hackers. By regularly updating your devices, restarting them weekly, and practicing good online habits, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyberattacks.

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