
OpenAI launches safety committee for AI

OpenAI launches safety committee for AI

safety committee

OpenAI announced on Tuesday that it has begun training a new flagship artificial intelligence model to succeed GPT-4, which powers the popular ChatGPT. The San Francisco-based startup stated in a blog post that it aims to bring “the next level of capabilities” with this new model as it works towards building “artificial general intelligence,” a machine that can do anything the human brain can do. The advanced model is expected to drive A.I. products such as chatbots, digital assistants, search engines, and image generators.

OpenAI also announced the creation of a new Safety and Security Committee to address the risks posed by the new model and future technologies. “While we are proud to build and release models that are industry-leading on both capabilities and safety, we welcome a robust debate at this important moment,” the company stated.

Balancing innovation through safety measures

OpenAI is pushing the boundaries of A.I. technology to outpace its competitors while addressing concerns from critics about the potential dangers of increasingly powerful A.I. systems.

Experts differ on when artificial general intelligence will be achieved, but ongoing efforts by companies like OpenAI, Google, Meta, and Microsoft have led to major advancements in A.I. technologies over the past decade, with noticeable improvements roughly every two to three years. GPT-4, released in March 2023, has enabled chatbots and other applications to answer questions, write emails, generate term papers, and analyze data. The next version, potentially more advanced and conversational, is expected to further change the field.

OpenAI continues to balance innovation and safety, emphasizing the importance of addressing the ethical implications of powerful A.I. technologies as it moves forward.

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