
Prime members save $50 on OnePlus Watch 2

Prime members save $50 on OnePlus Watch 2

Prime Save

The OnePlus Watch 2 is now available at a discounted price for Prime members. The smartwatch usually costs $300, but Prime members can get it for just $250. This is a great deal for Android users who want a smartwatch with long battery life and good performance.

If you don’t have Prime, OnePlus has another offer. You can get the Watch 2 with a pair of OnePlus Buds 3 for only $270. That’s just $20 more than the Prime member price for the watch alone.


ONEPLUS Watch 2The OnePlus Watch 2 came out on March 4. It has a big 1.43-inch AMOLED screen made of sapphire crystal. The watch has 2GB of RAM and 32GB of storage, so it can run apps smoothly and store media.

One of the best things about the OnePlus Watch 2 is its battery.

prime discount on OnePlus Watch 2

It can last up to 100 hours in smart mode or up to 12 days in power saver mode.

This is great for people who don’t want to charge their watch often. The watch can track sleep, stress, and many fitness metrics. It also has two buttons you can customize for quick access to important functions.

However, the OnePlus Watch 2 is missing some features compared to other smartwatches. It doesn’t have fall detection, ECG monitoring, or period tracking. If these features are important to you, you might want to look at other smartwatches.

Overall, this deal is worth thinking about if you’re a Prime member looking for a new smartwatch. Non-Prime members can still get a good deal by getting the OnePlus Watch 2 with OnePlus Buds 3 for $270. Keep following this coverage for the latest sales and discounts on tech products.

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