Prioritizing OT cybersecurity to safeguard America

Cybersecurity Safeguard

The alarming rise in operational technology  (OT) cyberattacks on America’s critical infrastructure has underscored the urgent need to prioritize investment in defending against OT-specific cyber threats. The OT Cybersecurity Summit is the premier event dedicated to addressing the systemic vulnerabilities of North America’s industrial sector to cyber-attacks. Scheduled for October 28-29 in Houston, the OT Cybersecurity Summit will convene leaders in OT, operations, ICS, SCADA, security, risk management, and cybersecurity.

Participants will engage in in-depth discussions and share insights on reducing system vulnerabilities and mitigating cyber threats across OT environments. Key themes of the summit include understanding and addressing cybersecurity risks and exploring systems’ vulnerabilities and cyber threats in IT/OT convergence and across multiple platforms. The summit will also tackle technology debt, address security challenges in legacy systems, and identify security measures tailored for OT networks.

Safeguarding critical infrastructure from cyber-attacks

Another important theme is securing leadership buy-in, utilizing leading OT security drivers to secure leadership support and investment in cybersecurity initiatives. This event represents a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights and network with professionals safeguarding the industrial sector’s operational technology.

It’s a chance to contribute to the collective effort to enhance cybersecurity measures for critical infrastructure. As an EC-Council member, attendees can use the promo code ECCOUNCIL20 to get a 20% discount on the ticket price. The organizers encourage booking seats today so as not to miss out on this essential event.

The summit will occur at the Norris Conference Center in Houston, Texas, USA. It promises to be a valuable platform for industry experts to connect, learn about the latest advancements in OT cybersecurity, and collaborate on strategies to protect critical infrastructure from evolving cyber threats.


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