
Quantum Machines launches Israeli Quantum Computing Center

Quantum Machines launches Israeli Quantum Computing Center

Quantum Center

Quantum Machines has launched the Israeli Quantum Computing Center (IQCC) at Tel Aviv University. The center is supported by the Israel National Quantum Initiative. The IQCC integrates multiple quantum computers with supercomputers using the NVIDIA-QM DGX Quantum for ultra-fast communication.

This makes it the first of its kind globally. The state-of-the-art facility hosts different types of quantum computers. These include a 25-qubit superconducting quantum processor and an 8-qumode photonic quantum computer.

The integration aims to advance quantum computing by providing researchers and developers worldwide access to leading-edge quantum and classical computing resources. This will significantly reduce development costs and time. The center features Quantum Machines’ OPX1000 controller and the DGX Quantum system co-developed with NVIDIA.

It is linked to a supercomputing cluster with NVIDIA GPUs, ARM and AMD CPUs, and AWS cloud platforms. This setup allows for scalable and hybrid quantum-classical workflows. It leverages advanced quantum software by Classiq and the QBridge solution by Quantum Machines and ParTec.

The IQCC is equipped with the world’s best cryogenic testbed, featuring 63 RF lines and 96 DC lines alongside a full suite of test and measurement equipment.

Israeli quantum computing facility unveiled

The Israeli government, through the Israel Innovation Authority, contributed NIS 100 million (approximately $27 million) to establish the center over three years.

Classiq served as a consultant, with Elbit Systems acting as a strategic partner in the venture. Itamar Sivan, CEO of Quantum Machines, emphasized that the facility is built to be continuously upgraded and scaled. This ensures it remains at the cutting edge of research and development.

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“We realized that building the most advanced facility in terms of interoperability, modularity, and integration with high-performance computing and the cloud was the way to go,” Sivan stated. “Our open architecture approach will make the facility an accelerator for the entire ecosystem in Israel and internationally.”

The quantum computing center will support research and development in both industry and academia. It enables work on three different quantum processing technologies: superconducting qubits, cold ions, and optic computers.

The facility provides a much-needed infrastructure that allows developers to test quantum processor chips without the prohibitive costs of building their own setups. “Before the IQCC, a developer would need to build their own testing setup, costing millions,” said Yonatan Cohen, CTO of Quantum Machines. “Now, researchers can plug their chip into our testbed and benefit from the most advanced setup in the world, accelerating their development process and reducing costs significantly.”

The IQCC’s inauguration will occur on June 24, 2024, during Tel Aviv University’s AI and Cyber Week.

Quantum Machines, founded in early 2018 by Dr. Itamar Sivan, Dr. Yonatan Cohen, and Dr.

Nissim Ofek, has raised $83 million to date from investors, including Avigdor Willenz, Samsung Next, and Israel’s Red Dot Capital Partners.


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