Rajasthan mandates schoolbag checks after stabbing

Schoolbag checks

A recent school stabbing in Udaipur has led to communal tensions and unrest in the city. The incident occurred on August 17, 2024, and has prompted authorities to take strict measures to maintain order and prevent further escalation of violence. In response to the growing tensions, the local government has shut down Internet services across Udaipur.

This decision was made to curb the spread of misinformation and rumors that could potentially worsen the situation. City officials and law enforcement agencies are closely monitoring the developments and have deployed forces in all areas to ensure the safety and security of the residents. Following the stabbing, the Rajasthan government has mandated that teachers conduct regular checks of schoolbags to prevent students from carrying sharp objects.

School safety measures in Udaipur

This directive aims to enhance safety within educational institutions and prevent similar violent incidents from occurring in the future. Schools have been urged to implement this checking process immediately and to provide counseling and awareness programs to educate students on the dangers of engaging in violence.

A day after the stabbing incident, the Udaipur Municipal Corporation demolished the house where the accused student and his family were residing. The demolition occurred because the house “encroached” on forest land. According to Udaipur range Inspector General Ajay Lamba, “The owner was not able to provide any form of ownership document, after which the house was demolished.

The stabbing victim, a 15-year-old student, is reported to be in stable condition.

Udaipur Collector Arvind Poswal stated that the situation in the city had normalized and that closed markets had reopened “without any issues.

As the authorities work to maintain peace and order in Udaipur, the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of fostering a safe and secure environment for students and the community at large.


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