
Samsung releases budget-friendly Galaxy Watch FE

Samsung releases budget-friendly Galaxy Watch FE

Galaxy Watch

Samsung has introduced the Galaxy Watch FE, a new wearable that offers essential features of the Samsung Health ecosystem at a more affordable price. The Galaxy Watch FE retains core health features such as heart-rate monitoring, ECG, and sleep metrics while omitting some advanced features to keep costs down. Priced at $200, the Galaxy Watch FE is $100 cheaper than the Galaxy Watch 6, making it the most affordable current-generation Samsung wearable in the US market.

The release comes ahead of Samsung’s upcoming product launches, suggesting that the company aims to offer a broad range of options to attract different consumer segments. The Galaxy Watch FE is designed to cater to a specific segment of the market that seeks a functional yet budget-friendly smartwatch. It aligns with Samsung’s ongoing strategy of providing devices at various price points, encouraging more users to join its ecosystem.

The smartwatch is likely to be featured in numerous promotions throughout the year, making it an attractive gift option, particularly during sales events like Black Friday and Prime Day. At a reduced price, it could appeal to a wide audience, including college students and the economically disadvantaged.

Samsung’s affordable smartwatch option

The Galaxy Watch FE, available in a 40mm size, offers an innovative look based on the iconic design of the Galaxy Watch series. It comes in three colors — Black, Pink Gold, and Silver — with new watch bands featuring distinct blue and orange stitching. The smartwatch also offers a variety of new watch faces, allowing users to customize their watch in exciting ways.

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Equipped with Samsung’s advanced BioActive Sensor, the Galaxy Watch FE provides an array of powerful fitness and wellness functions that deliver personalized and actionable tips around the clock. The smartwatch offers advanced sleep features, monitoring sleep patterns and providing tailored sleep coaching to help users create a healthier lifestyle. Users can also monitor their heart health with heart rate alerts, ECG monitoring, and other heart rhythm features suggestive of atrial fibrillation (Afib).

With the ability to track more than 100 different workouts, the Galaxy Watch FE helps users monitor their progress directly from their wrist. The Galaxy Watch FE will be available in a Bluetooth model in the U.S. beginning June 24, 2024, with a forthcoming LTE model. It will be sold at Samsung Experience Stores and major carriers and retailers.


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