
Scottish salmon exports hit five-year high

Scottish salmon exports hit five-year high

Salmon Exports

Scottish salmon exports have surged in the past year, reaching a five-year high as international demand continues to grow. New data from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), analyzed by Salmon Scotland, shows that in the first quarter of 2024, the value of salmon exports increased by £65 million to £250 million – a 36 percent rise compared to the same period last year. The volume of fish transported also went up by 35 percent.

Over the past year, exports of salmon totaled £645 million, which is 11 percent higher than the previous year’s total of £581 million. This marks the highest sales value since 2019. Salmon Scotland says that if the current growth continues, 2024 could set a record for international sales, further solidifying salmon’s position as the UK’s top food export.

Scottish salmon exports on the rise

Tavish Scott, chief executive of Salmon Scotland, said, “The reputational and economic value of Scottish salmon is immense, as reflected in these latest export figures showing a significant increase in global demand for our healthy, nutritious fish. As exports continue to rise, enhanced legal protection under the UK Government’s Protected Geographical Indication scheme will safeguard the Scottish salmon brand both domestically and internationally.”

The findings come amid calls for the next UK government to reduce the red tape introduced due to Brexit, with the trade body publishing its own manifesto this month.

Salmon Scotland urges whoever wins the election on July 4 to improve relations with the European Union to boost exports. The sector also wants electronic export health certificates and the elimination of unnecessary paperwork associated with exporting salmon to Europe, which costs salmon farmers an estimated £3 million every year since Brexit. Scott added, “Given the critical importance of revenue generation by our farmers, particularly during the cost-of-living crisis, whoever is handed the keys to Number 10 must streamline the export process for fresh Scottish salmon, ensuring quicker delivery to our customers.

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Through salmon farming expansion, we are bolstering Scotland’s economic growth, creating quality jobs in our Highland and island communities, and supplying low-carbon, protein-rich food to meet the needs of a growing global population.”

The successful year for Scottish salmon exports points to a thriving industry benefiting from increased global demand and strategic efforts to protect and promote the brand internationally.


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