
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance trailer released

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance trailer released

Vengeance Trailer

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, the expanded re-release of the 2021 Nintendo Switch exclusive, launches on June 14 for PS5 and PS4. The game introduces a new storyline called the Canon of Vengeance, which runs parallel to the original Canon of Creation. The Canon of Vengeance begins similarly to the original path, with the protagonist becoming a Nahobino after a mysterious incident in Tokyo.

However, introducing a new character, Yoko Hiromine, significantly influences the story and takes it in a different direction. Vengeance also includes gameplay enhancements and quality-of-life improvements based on player feedback. These include a new movement mechanic called Magatsu Rails, map improvements, adjustments to relic pickup range, new features for demon navigators, an overhead sky view camera mode, improved camera visibility, and changes to how flying demons attack in the field.

Producer Shinjiro Takata and director Shigeo Komori stated that their goal with Vengeance is to expand the SMT IP and provide the best SMTV experience possible.

New storyline deepens vengeance’s core.

They focused on adding new content and making system adjustments to create a more accessible entry point for new players while still offering a challenging experience for series veterans.

The battle system in Vengeance introduces new skills across 270 demons, including powerful Magatsuhi Skills. Players can also take control of individual demons during special side quests and interact with them through a new feature called Demon Haunts. The game includes dozens of small updates and revisions to make the experience more interesting and accessible.

These include the ability to save anywhere on the map and an update to the Estoma skill, which now uses Magatsuhi instead of MP. Famitsu has given Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance an impressive score of 36/40, with each reviewer awarding it a 9/10. The game promises substantial updates and offers around 80 hours of playtime each campaign.

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