
Sightful launches innovative screenless laptop Spacetop G1

Sightful launches innovative screenless laptop Spacetop G1

Screenless Laptop

The Spacetop G1, a groundbreaking laptop from Sightful, is set to hit the market this fall. What sets this device apart is its unique design—it has no physical screen. Instead, it uses a pair of customized augmented reality (AR) glasses connected to a keyboard and trackpad. The glasses render a 100-inch virtual screen that floats over the real world, visible only to the wearer. This innovative approach aims to provide users with an immersive, multi-screen experience without the need for bulky physical monitors. Tamir Berliner, cofounder and CEO of Sightful, emphasized the portability of the new G1 model. “The first version couldn’t fit in a backpack, but the new G1 is much more compact,” he said. The glasses can now be folded and stored in a dedicated compartment in the laptop’s lid. The Spacetop G1 boasts impressive specs, running on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon QCS8550 processor, supported by 16 GB of RAM and 128 GB of storage. The 60-watt battery promises up to eight hours of operation.

Screenless laptop innovation by Sightful

The AR glasses feature dual OLED displays with a resolution of 1,920 x 1,080 pixels per eye and a 50-degree field of view, supporting a smooth 90-Hz refresh rate. The content appears sharp and fluid, although text can become slightly fuzzy when viewed up close. The glasses also have the ability to dim, similar to Transition lenses, allowing for comfortable use in various lighting conditions. Cameras specifically angled for AR interaction are crucial for new software functionalities. SpaceOS, the operating system built on Google’s open-source Chromium project, underpins the Spacetop G1. It allows for multiple browser windows to be laid out around the user, with enhanced machine learning features ensuring easy access to the mouse pointer. Intuitive gestures are supported on the trackpad for seamless navigation. For example, a three-finger swipe can adjust the position or zoom level of the virtual screen. The Spacetop G1 is priced at $1,900 and is available for preorder today, with shipments starting in October. While it may be a significant investment, it offers a glimpse into the future of portable computing, combining powerful functionality with a compact, innovative design.

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