
Survey reveals top five cyber resilience strategies

Survey reveals top five cyber resilience strategies

Cyber Resilience Strategies

The survey, which included 1,000 security and IT respondents across 11 countries, focused on identifying what enables companies to be more resilient when facing cyber threats. The analysis uncovered five key resilience markers that, when implemented together, significantly improved recovery times and reduced breaches. Early Warning Security Tools provide early warnings about risks, including insider threats.

A Known-clean Dark Site is a secondary system guaranteed to be clean and isolated from threats. Immutable Data Copies are an isolated environment where unchangeable copies of critical data are stored. A Defined Incident Response Plan includes clear runbooks, roles, and processes for incident response.

Cyber Recovery Readiness Measures are specific practices to ensure and demonstrate cyber recovery readiness and risk management. Organizations categorized as “cyber mature” (deploying at least four of the five markers) recovered 41% faster than those with fewer markers.

Key markers for cyber resilience

Cyber-mature organizations also experienced significantly fewer breaches. 54% of cyber-mature organizations were completely confident in their ability to recover from breaches, compared to 33% of less prepared organizations. 70% of cyber-mature organizations tested their recovery plans quarterly, unlike 43% of organizations with fewer markers.

“To truly advance cyber preparedness, organizations can’t cut corners. We saw significant disparities in resilience between organizations that deployed one or two of the resiliency markers versus four or five,” said a Cybersecurity Analyst. It’s critical that organizations think about resiliency in layers.

Less than 85% of respondents do that today, a figure that needs to change if companies want to have the upper hand against cyber threats,” said VP of Portfolio Marketing at Commvault. Commvault is the gold standard in cyber resilience, helping more than 100,000 organizations keep data safe and maintain business continuity. Commvault offers a comprehensive cyber resilience platform that ensures data security and rapid recovery at the enterprise scale.

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