
Tesla employees receive FSD v12.4.1 update today

Tesla employees receive FSD v12.4.1 update today

FSD update

Tesla employees received the Full Self-Driving (FSD) v12.4.1 update today, according to an announcement from Elon Musk on X. The release was initially planned for May 20th but was delayed to address some issues before the public rollout.

FSD v12.4 is expected to bring significant improvements over the current version, 12.3.6. Musk stated that the update includes retrained models and a reduction in interventions by a factor of 5-10x.

The release notes also mention an improved strike system, where a strike will be removed for every week a driver goes without acquiring new strikes. However, accumulating five strikes (or three for vehicles without a cabin camera) will still result in a one-week suspension. Musk previously hinted that future updates, such as v12.5 and v12.6, could extend the time between interventions to over a year.

He even suggested that the improvements in v12.4.1 are so substantial that it could be called v13. There is some confusion and frustration among Tesla branches regarding update eligibility.

FSD v12.4 is only compatible with users on 2024.8.x and below, meaning those on updates like 2024.8.9 or 2024.3.25 have not yet received it.

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FSD v12.4.1 enhances Autopark features

Tesla aims to ensure eligibility for the latest FSD release, and since FSD owners in the US and Canada haven’t been updated to 2024.14, FSD v12.4.1 is still based on the 2024.9 branch. Musk provided a new estimate for the release of FSD v12.4.1 to customers, stating that if all goes well with today’s employee release and subsequent testing, the update will start rolling out in a limited fashion to customers this coming weekend.

This suggests that some Tesla owners could receive the latest FSD improvements in just a few days. Tesla has also provided new information about its Autowiper and Vision Autopark systems. The Autowiper sensitivity can now be adjusted temporarily by pressing the wiper button while the wipers are set to Auto.

Additionally, the Vision-based Autopark system can now detect and park in tighter spaces, allowing parking in spaces at least as wide as the vehicle itself, facilitating parking in tighter spots by nearly 20% for some models. Elon Musk mentioned in May that FSD v12.4 was in its final stages, but the update has been delayed. Employees are currently testing FSD v12.4, and depending on their feedback, the update could soon be available to the public.

Tesla owners who have subscribed to FSD will need to wait until the update is compatible with their software branch.


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