
Tesla Roadster’s flying capability claim by Musk

Tesla Roadster’s flying capability claim by Musk

Flying Roadster

Elon Musk has once again made a bold claim about the upcoming Tesla Roadster. In a recent statement, Musk said, “The new Tesla Roadster can fly.”

This is not the first time Musk has mentioned the Roadster’s potential flying capabilities.

He previously discussed a ‘SpaceX package’ for the vehicle, which would include cold air thrusters capable of making the car jump and hover short distances.

The prototype for the next-generation Tesla Roadster was first unveiled in 2017, with a planned production start in 2020.

However, the timeline has been delayed year after year, becoming a running joke and creating doubts about whether it will ever come to market. Earlier this year, Musk renewed hope for the vehicle, suggesting that Tesla will unveil an updated version of the next-gen Roadster.

Musk’s flying Tesla Roadster claim

He indicated that the new vehicle will be available in 2025, but no concrete updates have been provided since this announcement. The Roadster was intended to be the “halo effect” for electric cars, showcasing Tesla’s technological advancements.

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Whether the cold air thrusters fit into this vision remains to be seen. As a global company, there should be no reason for such repeated postponements, especially when major staffing changes are being implemented. The Roadster has reached a critical phase: it’s time for Tesla to deliver on its promises or stop making them, particularly regarding the ambitious flying capabilities.

Musk’s claims about the Roadster’s ability to fly have captured the imaginations of car enthusiasts and tech aficionados alike. However, the prospect of a flying Tesla Roadster remains ambiguous, and it remains to be seen if it will become a reality or remain in the realm of science fiction.


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