
Tesla rolls out major software update upgrading autopilot and safety features

Tesla rolls out major software update upgrading autopilot and safety features

"Software Upgrade"

Tesla has launched a new software update, introducing a variety of enhancements to their electric cars. This includes significant improvements on the Autopilot system, improved navigation, enhanced visualization, speed recognition, and updates to battery efficiency and charging capabilities.

‘Full Self-Driving’ mode continues to progress with this update, moving one step closer to autonomy. User interface enhancements have been made, and new entertainment options have been added to the Tesla Theater. The update has also addressed minor bugs and security improvements, enhancing overall performance and user safety.

One innovative safety feature is the adaptable headlight capability that adjusts to increase visibility range and enhances safety by offering superior illumination in dark conditions. It also minimises the risk of blinding oncoming traffic by automatically lowering the light beam. The system uses sensors and a camera to monitor oncoming traffic and the vehicle’s speed to adapt the headlights accordingly.

Another safety upgrade introduced is the “Autopilot Strikeouts” system. If any rule imposed by the system is violated, a strikeout is issued to the driver, and accumulation of multiple strikeouts may lead to temporary suspension of the autopilot feature.

Tesla’s software update boosts autopilot and safety

For every week the driver operates the vehicle without any infractions, one strikeout is deducted from their record.

The software update also provides new entertainment option, Beach Buggy Racing 2 – Supercharger Races, gamifying the waiting period during charging stops, transforming it into a thrilling competition. Records of fastest lap times are kept, fostering a lively and competitive community among Tesla drivers.

Enhancements to the AUTO HVAC system promise swift cooling and pleasant ambient temperatures, while also ensuring excellent audio quality and seamless connectivity. Exterior modifications include a robust design and aerodynamic features for improved fuel efficiency. Interiors now boast enhanced comfort features and advanced safety features, making the car highly reliable.

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Users are encouraged to download and install the update. For any inquiries about the update, Tesla’s customer service team is readily available. Make sure to regularly update your application to enjoy the latest features and improvements.

The Full Self-Driving (Supervised) v12 is a key addition to the upgrade, performing predictive analysis and adaptive decision-making, and allowing for seamless navigation in complex urban environments. It also includes enhanced object detection capabilities to reduce the risk of collisions, promoting greater safety on the road.

Other parts of the update enhance visual aesthetics, wiper control, and changes to the Spotify queue and playback speed, emphasizing Tesla’s commitment to safety and user experience.


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