
Theorycraft Games announces new game Supervive

Theorycraft Games announces new game Supervive

Supervive Announcement

Supervive, a new game from Theorycraft Games, blends elements of MOBAs and battle royales in a fresh way.

The game was created by former Riot Games developers, including CEO Joe Tung, who initially conceived the idea while working on League of Legends. In a recent hands-on session, Supervive proved to be more than just a League offshoot.

Players compete in teams or solo against 39 others in a fast-paced, top-down shooter.

The game starts with choosing a drop point, then leveling up by killing creeps and collecting gear before hunting other teams to be the last one standing. Tung says, “In the beginning, the game was much more of a traditional MOBA.

After letting players test it, we realized it was too slow.

We took the game offline for months to reboot it, resulting in a game that feels more like an action game.”

Learning Supervive can be challenging, especially for MOBA veterans. Character movement uses WASD, with attacks and some abilities aimed by mouse.

The camera stays centered on the character, which can disorient backline characters who need to watch the front lines. Playing different roles showed the game’s versatility. Tanky frontliners felt impactful, while glass cannons struggled with the camera limits.

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Blending MOBAs and battle royales

Understanding chaotic fights remains tough, like the learning curves of Dota and LoL, but the smaller roster helps. Supervive differs from traditional MOBAs in other ways too.

The huge map has floating islands connected by gaps. Players can glide across these gaps, but taking damage while gliding means instant death—a dramatic way to eliminate opponents. The revive system adds strategy as well.

Until the final fights, retreating from bad engagements is often best. Revive stations can resurrect fallen squad members, influencing every choice. This can make fights turn into long-range poke-fests, as teams try to land critical abilities before moving in.

Four hours with Supervive revealed a game with great depth and potential. Despite some rough edges, the core mechanics and battle royale system are enjoyable and functional. The complexity and mastery needed hint that it could become a major competitive live service game.

It remains to be seen if Supervive will reach its full potential, but early signs are promising. For now, it looks set to deliver an exciting new experience in competitive gaming.


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