
US advances funding for Moderna bird flu vaccine

US advances funding for Moderna bird flu vaccine

Moderna bird flu

The United States is close to reaching a deal to fund Moderna’s clinical trial for a bird flu vaccine. This development comes as concerns grow about the H5 bird flu, which has been detected on egg farms in 48 states and in dairy cows in nine states. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention classifies the public health risk as low, two dairy workers have tested positive for the virus over the last two months. A Moderna spokeswoman confirmed that the company is in discussions with the U.S. government to advance their pandemic flu candidate, mRNA-1018. Moderna has already completed dosing healthy participants in a Phase 1 and Phase 2 study, with data expected soon. “The H5 vaccines in this trial cover the same clade as the currently circulating variant in the United States,” the spokeswoman stated.

Funding agreement for Moderna flu vaccine

“We remain committed to using our mRNA platform to respond to public health concerns.” The proposed deal would provide the necessary financial backing to facilitate extensive trials. Moderna, leveraging its existing mRNA technology, aims to create an effective vaccine to combat various strains of bird flu that pose a significant risk to public health. This initiative highlights the ongoing collaboration between biotechnology companies and government bodies in addressing critical public health challenges. The funding approval process appears to be in its final stages, with positive implications for both Moderna and global health security. In premarket trades, Moderna’s stock rose 1.8% to 150.60 following the confirmation of the potential government backing for its bird flu vaccine. The anticipated funding deal between the U.S. government and Moderna for a bird flu vaccine trial marks a pivotal step in pandemic preparedness. As global health organizations and biotech firms continue to innovate, the collaboration offers hope for swift responses to future public health emergencies.

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