K Virtual Machine: Definition, Examples

Definition The K Virtual Machine (KVM) is a software tool used primarily for running multiple operating systems on a single machine. It operates in a Linux environment and is built

Knowledge Base: Definition, Examples

Definition A knowledge base is a centralized repository for information, often related to a specific field or product. It serves to gather, organize, share, and analyze knowledge to provide answers

Kademlia: Definition, Examples

Definition Kademlia is a distributed hash table which provides a decentralized method of finding nodes in a peer-to-peer network without needing a centralized system. It is used in many well-known

Keypad: Definition, Examples

Definition A keypad is a set of buttons arranged in a block or “pad” which bear digits, symbols or alphabetical letters. It is commonly used as a device for inputting

Kernel: Definition, Examples

Definition The term “Kernel” in technology refers to the core component of a computer’s operating system. It serves as a bridge between applications and the actual data processing done at

Kanban: Definition, Examples

Definition Kanban is an inventory management and scheduling methodology that improves process efficiency. Originally from Japanese manufacturing systems, it features visual signals or cards (kanbans) to indicate when more supplies