Variable Loop

Loop Variable

Definition A loop variable, also known as an iterator or index, is a variable that controls the number of times a loop iterates in a programming language. It is usually

Interpretable Model

Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations

Definition Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) is a method used to enhance the interpretability and trustworthiness of complex machine learning models. By generating simplified, locally-linear approximations around individual data points,

Relevance Propagation

Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation

Definition Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) is a neural network interpretability method that helps understand the decision-making process of deep learning models by assigning a relevance score to each input feature.

Programming Logic

Logic Programming

Definition Logic programming is a programming paradigm that represents knowledge and problem-solving through formal logic statements, usually expressed in a declarative language. Instead of specifying step-by-step procedures, it focuses on

Linear Classification

Linear Multiclass Classification

Definition Linear Multiclass Classification is a machine learning technique used to categorize data points into one of several possible classes. It extends the concept of linear binary classification, which only

Linear Functions Compatibility

Linear Compatibility Functions

Definition Linear compatibility functions, often referred to as linear response functions, are mathematical functions that describe the relationship between an input and output in a linear system. In these systems,

Shifted Lift

Lift and Shift

Definition Lift and Shift is a strategy in cloud migration where an organization moves its existing applications and infrastructure to the cloud with minimal or no changes. This approach helps

Code Development

Low-Code/No-Code Development

Definition Low-code/no-code development refers to a software development approach that enables users to create applications through visual interfaces, pre-built templates, and drag-and-drop functionality, with minimal to no traditional coding required.

Routing Cost

Least Cost Routing

Definition Least Cost Routing (LCR) is a telecommunications strategy used to determine the most cost-effective path for sending voice and data traffic. It analyzes various available routes and carriers, considering