Community Cloud

Definition of Community Cloud

A community cloud refers to a cloud infrastructure specifically designed, built, and managed to cater to the needs of a particular group or community of organizations with shared interests and requirements. This cloud deployment model enables these member organizations to jointly use resources, applications, and services while ensuring data privacy and security. The community cloud can be managed by one of the organizations or a third-party provider.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Community Cloud” is:/kəˈmjuːnɪti klaʊd/

Key Takeaways

  1. Community Cloud enables organizations to create customized, interactive platforms that connect customers, partners, and employees, fostering effective collaboration and engagement.
  2. Community Cloud offers various features such as self-service capabilities, access to important information and resources, and an integrated ecosystem for users to interact with the organization.
  3. With Community Cloud, organizations can streamline support processes, improve customer satisfaction, and drive business growth by reducing costs and increasing the efficiency of their overall operations.

Importance of Community Cloud

The concept of a Community Cloud is essential in the technology realm as it enables a group of multiple organizations or entities with similar requirements and objectives to share critical resources, data, and applications in a highly cost-effective and collaborative manner.

This specialized cloud deployment model provides tailored solutions to the community members, granting them greater control, enhanced flexibility, and improved performance without compromising on security and privacy.

Furthermore, the community cloud serves as an ideal platform to boost collaboration, drive innovation, and reduce overhead costs, positively impacting the overall efficiency and growth of organizations within the ecosystem.


Community Cloud serves as a specialized platform that brings together the benefits of both private and public clouds, allowing collaboration and sharing of resources amongst multiple organizations within a specific community. This innovative approach to cloud computing is primarily designed to fulfill the unique needs and requirements of its user base. It caters to groups with common interests, goals, and regulatory requirements, such as non-profit organizations, academic institutions, government agencies, and specific industries.

By leveraging this tailored environment, these organizations can effectively manage their workloads, streamline processes, and enhance their delivery of services. The purpose of a community cloud is to provide a cost-effective yet secure environment for multiple stakeholders to collaborate, pool resources, and share essential information. This enables organizations to achieve economies of scale while ensuring their sensitive data and applications are protected.

Community clouds foster innovation, agility, and efficiency, helping organizations to stay competitive, compliant, and profitable. This shared platform not only streamlines the flow of information but also allows for more robust disaster recovery and business continuity planning. In summary, community clouds offer a tailored solution that harnesses the power of cloud technology for organizations with common objectives and shared values, empowering them to thrive in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

Examples of Community Cloud

Healthcare Information Exchange (HIE) – In the healthcare industry, a Community Cloud serves as a secure platform for medical facilities and healthcare professionals to share vital patient information. This enables better collaboration and faster decision-making while meeting strict regulatory compliance and data protection requirements. One such example is the Keystone Health Information Exchange (KeyHIE) in Pennsylvania, connecting several hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other healthcare providers, facilitating information exchange and improving patient care.

California Community Colleges System (CCCS) – The CCCS has implemented a Community Cloud computing model to empower faculty, staff, and students at 115 community colleges across the state. The CCC Technology Center, as the central hub, provides technological infrastructure, educational and administrative applications, and tools to enhance teaching, learning, and management for its community colleges. This cloud system ensures efficient sharing and usage of resources, reducing implementation costs and improving user experience.

European Space Agency’s (ESA) Helix Nebula Science Cloud – The Helix Nebula Science Cloud is a joint project by the European Space Agency, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), and several other research centers to provide computing resources via a Community Cloud model, allowing safe data sharing among multiple European scientific organizations. This cloud infrastructure supports collaborative work, including big data analysis and high-performance computing, to help its participating institutions in groundbreaking research endeavors.

Community Cloud FAQ

What is Community Cloud?

Community Cloud is a cloud-based platform that enables businesses to create and manage branded digital spaces for connecting and collaborating with their customers, partners, and employees. It allows users to share information, access resources, and communicate with each other in a secure and personalized environment.

What are the key features of Community Cloud?

Community Cloud offers numerous features, including customizable templates, collaboration tools, content management, data sharing, role-based permissions, mobile support, and integration with other Salesforce products. It also offers built-in analytics, which help organizations track user engagement, measure the success of their community, and make data-driven decisions to improve the user experience.

Who can benefit from using Community Cloud?

Any organization looking to enhance collaboration, communication, and engagement with their customers, partners, and employees can benefit from using Community Cloud. This includes businesses across various industries, such as retail, healthcare, technology, and education, as well as non-profit organizations and government agencies.

How does Community Cloud ensure data security and privacy?

Community Cloud is built on the Salesforce platform, which adheres to strict security and privacy standards. It offers multiple layers of protection, including user authentication, access control, data encryption, and network security. Additionally, Salesforce undergoes regular security audits and complies with various industry regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, and more.

Can Community Cloud be customized to match my organization’s branding?

Yes, Community Cloud allows you to customize the appearance of your digital community with the help of customizable templates, themes, and components. You can add your organization’s colors, logos, and branding elements, ensuring that the community looks and feels like an extension of your existing digital presence.

Related Technology Terms

  • Cloud Service Provider (CSP)
  • Multi-Tenancy
  • Shared Infrastructure
  • 4.

  • Resource Pooling
  • 5.

  • Data Security and Privacy

Sources for More Information

  • IBM Cloud –
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) –
  • TechTarget –
  • ScienceDirect –

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