
Definition of Crapware

Crapware, also known as bloatware or junkware, refers to preinstalled, unwanted, or low-quality software applications that come bundled with new devices, particularly computers and smartphones. These programs typically consume system resources, slow down device performance, and may pose security risks. Often, crapware is installed by manufacturers as a means of generating additional revenue from software partnerships.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Crapware” is: /ˈkræpweər/

Key Takeaways

  1. Crapware, also known as bloatware or junkware, refers to pre-installed software on a device that is usually unwanted by users, consumes considerable system resources, and can slow down a device’s performance.
  2. These unwanted programs may include toolbars, trial software, or adware, and they are typically installed as part of manufacturing or distribution deals with software developers.
  3. To remove or prevent crapware, users can utilize specialized removal tools, install reputable ad-blockers or anti-malware software, and, when possible, opt for a “clean” version of an operating system that comes with minimal pre-installed software.

Importance of Crapware

Crapware, also known as bloatware or junkware, is an important technology term because it refers to unwanted pre-installed software and applications that come bundled with a new device or computer.

These programs often consume system resources, compromise device performance and, in some cases, pose security risks.

By recognizing the term, users are made aware of the potential issues that these unnecessary applications can cause and can take appropriate steps to remove or prevent them.

Furthermore, consumer awareness of crapware puts pressure on manufacturers and developers to shift away from the practice of bundling unwanted software with their products, resulting in better performing devices and improved user experiences.


Crapware, also known as bloatware or junkware, primarily serves as a means for manufacturers and developers to generate additional revenue through pre-installed software on a new device. Often, these applications come bundled with the device at the time of purchase or embedded within the operating system. Manufacturers and developers may enter into agreements with third-party software providers, including trial versions of programs, games, or security applications, for a fee.

The profits from these agreements serve to offset costs for hardware components or to maintain competitive pricing on the market. However, it’s essential to note that not all pre-installed software is considered crapware – only those unwanted applications that negatively impact a device’s performance, consume excessive system resources, or hinder the user’s experience in any way. Although crapware applications are installed for financial reasons, they can be detrimental to the end-user’s experience with a device.

These applications tend to consume significant system resources, leading to slowed performance, decreased battery life, and reduced storage space. Most users never even utilize these programs and may be unaware of their existence, resulting in frustration when faced with reduced device functionality. Furthermore, some crapware may include deceptive content or compromise the user’s privacy, causing even more issues.

As a result, many users opt to remove or disable these unwanted applications to optimize their device’s performance and enhance their overall experience. To address the problem of crapware, some device manufacturers and software developers have introduced cleaner and simpler operating systems or provided easier methods for users to remove undesired apps.

Examples of Crapware

Pre-installed trial software: Many computer manufacturers pre-install trial versions of popular software on their devices before selling them. Users often find these programs to be of little value, as they require paid subscriptions to fully unlock their features. Examples include antivirus software trials like McAfee or Norton, as well as productivity software like Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Suite trial versions.

Unwanted browser toolbars and extensions: Some software installations attempt to bundle additional third-party browser toolbars, extensions, or plugins that may slow down web browsing or inject unwanted ads onto web pages. A notorious example of this is the Ask Toolbar, which has been bundled with various software installations in the past and is often difficult to remove from the user’s browser.

Pre-loaded mobile apps (bloatware): Many smartphones, particularly those running Android, come loaded with unnecessary apps from the device manufacturer or mobile carrier. These apps often cannot be removed, even if the user has no interest in using them. Examples include sponsored applications or promotional games, redundant messaging or social media apps, or carrier-specific utilities and services (for example, apps such as AT&T Navigator or Sprint Zone).

FAQs on Crapware

1. What is Crapware?

Crapware, also known as bloatware or junkware, refers to unwanted software, usually pre-installed by manufacturers, that can slow down or negatively affect the performance of a device such as a computer or smartphone.

2. How does Crapware affect my device’s performance?

Crapware can significantly slow down your device by consuming system resources like CPU and memory. It can also clutter up your hard drive, occupy storage space, and potentially lead to system instability or crashes.

3. How can I identify if I have Crapware on my device?

Identifying crapware requires looking through your installed programs to find anything that you don’t recognize or remember installing. Check for any suspicious software with generic names, poor user reviews, or unclear functionality. Also, look out for multiple toolbars in your web browser or unexpected pop-up ads.

4. How can I remove Crapware from my device?

To remove crapware, first, identify the unwanted programs and then uninstall them from your device. In Windows, use the Control Panel to access the ‘Programs and Features’ section, where you can uninstall unwanted software. On mobile devices, navigate to the application manager settings to remove unwanted apps.

5. How can I prevent Crapware from being installed on my device in the future?

Preventing crapware from being installed on your device involves adopting safe browsing habits and being cautious when installing new software. Always read EULAs and deselect any additional bundled software during the installation process. Use reputable antivirus and anti-malware solutions to protect your device from potential threats.

Related Technology Terms

  • Bloatware
  • Adware
  • Malware
  • Unwanted Software
  • Pre-installed Applications

Sources for More Information


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