Intranet: Definition, Examples


Intranet is a private network that is confined within an organization, company, or institution. It uses the same concepts and technologies as the internet such as web browsers and servers, but is accessible only to authorized users within the organization. Intranets are used for internal communication, collaboration, and sharing of resources among team members.


The phonetics of the keyword “Intranet” is /ˈɪntrəˌnɛt/.

Key Takeaways

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  1. An intranet is a private network distinct and separate from the internet, typically owned and managed by a business or organization. It’s used for internal communication and collaboration.
  2. Intranets can increase efficiency within an organization by providing tools and resources that make it easier for employees to access information, perform tasks, and collaborate.
  3. An intranet is highly secure as it operates on a closed internal network, making it difficult for external threats to infiltrate.



The term intranet is important in the realm of technology as it refers to a private network within an organization or business that is used to facilitate communication, information sharing, and data management among its members. This key tool enhances internal collaboration, as it allows staff to share documents, communicate quickly, and access vital information, all within a secured, internal network. It fosters improved efficiency, productivity, and unity in a working environment as it centralizes resources, automates business processes, and encourages engagement and feedback. Equally significant, intranets often incorporate security protocols that protect sensitive business information from external threats, thereby serving as a safeguard in an increasingly digital world. Therefore, the importance of an intranet extends beyond its functional uses, as it also promotes a sense of community, fosters a culture of transparency, and secures corporate information.


An intranet serves as a private, internal internet for an organization, working as a closed-off part of the internet that provides an important and unique platform for internal communication, collaboration, and information sharing. Essentially, the purpose of an intranet is to streamline internal communication by connecting the employees to the information they need, ranging from schedules and HR documents to news updates and guidelines. It creates an exclusive, digital environment that caters specifically to the members of the organization, reinforcing company culture and improving workflows.Intranets are primarily used for internal communications, document management, collaboration, and task management. They offer a centralized location where employees can access essential work materials, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects, regardless of their geographical location. The use of intranet helps improve teams’ efficiency by providing all necessary tools in one place, reducing the time spent searching for data and information. Furthermore, it can also be used as an effective medium for training purposes, onboarding new employees, or rolling out new policies or software across an organization.


1) Corporate Intranet: Large-scale corporations like Google, Apple, or Microsoft use intranets to both share information internally and facilitate communication between different departments and branches. It allows them to share company-wide announcements, provide productivity tools, as well as giving employees an internal platform to interact, collaborate, and exchange ideas. 2) Educational Intranet: Many schools, colleges, and universities use an intranet system for teacher-student communication, online learning activities, to distribute course materials, publish grades, and for administrative functions. For example, university students may access an intranet site to review their grades, consult study materials or communicate with their peers and teachers.3) Healthcare Intranet: Hospitals and other healthcare providers often use intranets for quick access to medical records, policies, procedures, forms and templates. They can also provide booking systems for equipment or resources, HR documents, and staff directories. For example, in a hospital, doctors and medical staff may use an intranet to instantly access patient information, medical histories and test results. In each case, intranets are generally limited to employees or associates and require secure logins to access, maintaining a secure and private system for internal communication and operations.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is an Intranet?A: An Intranet is a private, secured network that can only be accessed by an organization’s staff. It’s used to share company information and resources among employees and facilitate communication and collaboration.Q: Who uses an Intranet?A: Typically, businesses and organizations of all sizes use intranets as a tool for communication, collaboration, and information management among their employees.Q: How is an Intranet different from the Internet?A: An intranet is a private network, accessible only to authorized users within an organization, while the internet is a global network, open and accessible to all. Q: Is the Intranet safe?A: Yes, intranets are generally safe as they are secured networks that require user authentication. However, just like any other online platform, they are not entirely immune to threats and should be properly managed and secured.Q: What type of information is typically shared on an Intranet?A: Information such as company news, policies, forms, resources, directories, training materials, project updates and more are usually shared on an intranet. Q: Do I need special software to access an Intranet?A: No, typically a web browser is sufficient to access an intranet, but you will need the proper network connections and permissions.Q: What benefits does an Intranet offer to a business or organization?A: An intranet can increase internal communication effectiveness, improve employee engagement, streamline processes, and serve as a central repository for important documents and resources. Q: Can an Intranet be accessed remotely?A: Yes, with proper setup and security measures, an intranet can be accessed remotely, allowing for greater flexibility for employees.

Related Tech Terms

  • Private Network
  • VPN (Virtual Private Network)
  • Firewall
  • Network Security
  • Internal Web Server

Sources for More Information


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