IsStringLower – Determine whether a string contains only lowercase chars

IsStringLower – Determine whether a string contains only lowercase chars

Private Declare Function IsCharLower Lib "user32" Alias "IsCharLowerA" (ByVal _    cChar As Byte) As Boolean' Check is the specified string is composed only by lower case characters (no ' digits and no special chars)' Example:'    MsgBox "Is lower case? " & IsStringLower("hello")'    MsgBox "Is lower case? " & IsStringLower("heLlo")Public Function IsStringLower(ByVal sText As String) As Boolean    Dim i As Integer        IsStringLower = True        ' for each char in the string    For i = 1 To Len(sText)        ' if not lower case, set False as return value and exit the for loop        If IsCharLower(Asc(Mid$(sText, i, 1))) = False Then            IsStringLower = False            Exit For        End If    Next iEnd Function


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