PlayAVIVideoOFF – Playing the audio track of an AVI file

PlayAVIVideoOFF – Playing the audio track of an AVI file

 Shared Function _    GetShortPathName(ByVal lpszLongPath As String, _    ByVal lpszShortPath As System.Text.StringBuilder, _    ByVal cchBuffer As Integer) As IntegerEnd Function' Play the audio track of an AVI file.' fileName is a string containing the full path of the file.'' Notes: requires the ExecuteMCICommand routineSub PlayAVIVideoOFF(ByVal fileName As String)    Dim commandString As String    Dim shortFileName As New System.Text.StringBuilder(260)    ' retrieve the file name in the short format (8+3 chars)    GetShortPathName(fileName, shortFileName, shortFileName.Capacity)    fileName = shortFileName.ToString()    ' open the device    commandString = "Open " & fileName & " type avivideo alias AVIFile"    ExecuteMCICommand(commandString, False)    ' set video OFF    commandString = "Set AVIFile video off"    ExecuteMCICommand(commandString, True)    ' play the file    commandString = "Play AVIFile wait"    ExecuteMCICommand(commandString, True)    ' close the device    commandString = "Close AVIFile"    ExecuteMCICommand(commandString, True)End Sub  


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