Converting to DAO 3.0

Converting to DAO 3.0

I have a Huge front end to an Access database. The front end was created in VB3.0, I recently upgraded to 4.0, it states that the references should work in virtually every case,…I must be the ONE it doesn’t. I get an error every time I try and run it, it says “undefined user function” or something like that. Do you know how to go around this, other than recoding it for the new Jet engine?

Visual Basic provides an easy upgrade path for users of DAO 2.5 (data access code used in VB 3.0). From the Tools menu, select References and select the Microsoft DAO 2.5/3.0 Compatibility Library. This will allow your program to continue to work until you change your code to use the new Jet engine and new data access objects.


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