Mailto Link Not Connected to Outlook

Mailto Link Not Connected to Outlook

I’m having a problem. I have Outlook installed, and I also have Lotus Notes. We’re using Exchange as the mail program, and the clients are Outlook.

For some people is it working correctly, but for others the Mailto link is connected to Notes. I’ve changed it manually, but Notes takes command every time I restart Notes.

The command line is:

otes.exe" =C:WINDOWS

When I change it, I get this:


How do I get Outlook to be my permanent, default mail program for my Mailto links?

You don’t say which version of Outlook or Internet Explorer you have running, but with the most recent versions (OL 2000 and IE 5) the most common solution is to go into Internet Explorer, click Tools | Internet Options | Programs and make sure that Outlook is configured there as your default mail program.


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