Using Consumer Trust to Help Build Brands On Major Social Platforms

Using Consumer Trust to Help Build Brands On Major Social Platforms

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Disruptive technologies and the push for automation have created a situation where many consumers are becoming more skeptical about the messages they receive on social platforms. Some managers have noticed that traditional commercial advertising doesn’t have the impact it once did. Others have opined that netizens now seem to question everything, even if it comes from a seemingly reputable source.

At the same time, however, people are still willing to get information from social platforms they personally feel comfortable with. One study found that around one third of all adults under the age of thirty now regularly use TikTok as a source of news. Tech-savvy business owners who know how to build trust with potential clients will stand the best chance of capitalizing on the situation.

Reinventing Brands as Trustworthy Information Sources

Large organizations are likely experiencing an identity crisis at the moment. They tend to have some of the most famous and visible brand images on the planet, but they’re also losing their sway with a sizable segment of the market. More generally, consumer trust in online messaging is dropping as scams dominate the market.

Researchers have noted a 118% surge in fraudulent job listings over the last year as a result of malicious artificial intelligence usage. In this kind of online climate, it’s no wonder why so many users aren’t sure who’s telling the truth these days. Managers of smaller agile businesses can position themselves ahead of their competition by standing apart from older firms.

Collecting information on how other organizations are attempting to reach their clientele is one of the best ways to get started. Using a TikTok ad library tool is an excellent way to see which ads have typically performed best in the past and which influencers are currently connecting with the largest number of people. Marketers will stand a better chance of becoming trusted associates by gathering insights related to competing ads and seeing which products perform the best.

That should also free up some time they can use to locate valued partners.

Connecting With Traditional Broadcast Journalists

Since netizens have largely transitioned away from legacy media products, it might seem strange that anyone would still want to connect with conventional journalists, especially if they’re looking for partners with whom to pool their efforts. While it might be true that fewer individuals make time to watch the evening news these days, the services that produce these shows have large followings on social platforms. Industry pundits have even mentioned that a few broadcast networks and cable channels outpace the growth of popular influencers as far as growth numbers are concerned. With over 174 million subscribers, Sony Entertainment Television is among the most popular YouTube channels, and two news services have broken Facebook’s top twenty.

Startup companies with truly innovative products may be able to get the attention of these outlets, who are always looking for novel ideas to share with their followers. Quite a few networks will promote some stories on social platforms that they normally wouldn’t consider newsworthy. While it might be hard to convince local news services to give up some prime television time to discuss a new local startup, there’s a good chance that reaching out to them will result in at least a little social media promotion.

That’s a far more valuable proposition for those who aren’t sure if their target demographic would ever want to sit down to watch a newscast anyway. Getting associated with a group like this can lend credibility to a marketer’s efforts, but it’s still vital they connect with choice influencers as well.

Finding Up-and-Coming Channels to Connect With

One thing that TikTok, YouTube, and the various Meta-branded properties have in common is that they’re all hard to break into. That’s why rising stars tend to look so genuine to their fans. Companies that work with them early on could be viewed as more trustworthy by their followers as time passes. Many of these individuals are struggling to avoid attracting downvotes and bad ratings, so they’re more than happy to host guests their viewers will find interesting.

There’s also a good chance that they’ll be happy to receive a boost in their production values. Business owners who use high-quality video templates to produce better-looking content are going to attract the eye of influencers and clients alike. Once they do, they’ll be able to connect with a growing group of people who will associate them with the individuals they’re following.

It’s hard to put a price on this sort of trustworthiness. Companies that advertise in this way have to remain genuine and avoid making it look like their products are part of a massive advertising campaign. Even those who manage to stay authentic will eventually face the critics lurking on TikTok and other popular platforms.

Dealing With Negative Comments

In some cases, it’s best to simply ignore criticism because there are certainly people who attempt to stir up drama on even the most calm social platforms. Legitimate criticism, however, shouldn’t be ignored. Sometimes, posting a reaction video or even an apology can turn adversaries into friends. Even if nothing else happens, doing so helps to ensure that those who currently follow a particular brand know that the people behind it care about them.

Small business owners shouldn’t forget that the report and mute buttons exist for a reason, but there’s also a risk that people could eventually start to think of a particular individual as thin-skinned. Picking and choosing who to respond to is something of an art, but it’s an important one to master. Marketers who regularly respond to feedback and actually make positive changes may potentially endear themselves to customers who might otherwise have felt ignored.

Though it might initially seem strange and alien, skillful business representatives often find that TikTok and other social platforms quickly become their native territory if they follow these tips.


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