
Blue Light Filters: Eyewear, Screen Protectors, and More

Blue Light Filters: Eyewear, Screen Protectors, and More

Blue light filters

The effect of blue light cannot be ignored in an era that is increasingly filled with it. Blue light already makes up a third of all visible light, as sunlight produces it. That said, many modern devices emit even more blue light in concentrated ways that can impact your well-being.

A common concern is blue light’s effect on eye health, but studies on blue light from digital screens reveal that it may also cause more general skin damage and modify the circadian rhythm. Filters have been developed across different industries because of the many unwanted aspects of blue light exposure. There are already plenty of promising products in the market today. But first, let’s uncover exactly what blue light is:

What is blue light?

Blue light primarily comes from the sun and stimulates alertness in the brain. It isn’t inherently bad as it is a naturally occurring part of the light spectrum. Manufactured objects typically emitting blue light include smartphones, LED display devices, tablets, and light sources.

Most modern screens produce blue light because it is needed to create a full-color gamut. While the amount emitted by these gadgets isn’t harmful, blue light makes the brain think it’s daylight. Because of that, it can fatigue the eyes and shift the body’s sleep pattern, particularly with excessive qualities from screens.

Blue light filtering in devices

Modern monitors, laptops, smartphones, and tablets now have inherent blue light filter options. Manufacturers provide this type of technology so that users can minimize eye strain in dark-light situations. This can be toggled on or off, depending on your preferences.

Even computer operating systems (OS) have built-in blue light filtering modes for various screens. Windows 10 introduced this as Night Light, with a slider to control how strong the filter is. Android and iOS also offer this filter in their accessibility options as long as the phone model is updated.

Blue light eyeglasses

Eyewear now also comes with blue light filtering so that users have protection regardless of what source they are exposed to. These lenses are built to reduce the amount of blue light hitting your eyes without impairing your vision. Blue light glasses also allow wearers to interact with their screens normally without using device filters that alter the color of everything.

Now, even ordinary eyeglasses have blue-light filtering that lets your eyes stay comfortable during extended gaming sessions. Most Ray-Ban models offer advanced light-intelligent features, with blue-light filtering and UVA/UVB protection. You can rock their classic Clubmaster  Optics and Aviator Optics, without affecting the sharpness and color of your gameplay so that competitive players won’t be disadvantaged. With blue light glasses, gamers can comfortably do what they love best.

External blue light filters

Products have also been specifically produced to apply a blue light filter on devices that emit this. LED bulbs can now be purchased with blue light filters, and screen protectors can be applied on different screens.

Many anti-glare screen protectors, like the Targus Anti-Glare protector, also offer this feature. Aside from minimizing smudges and glare, it blocks blue light from the screen. Eyejust also produces a line of anti-glare filters designed exclusively for Apple devices.

Blue light in medicine

While most products these days are built to quell the potentially harmful nature of blue light, medicine is making bounds to harness its positive qualities. After all, this part of the natural light spectrum is meant to contribute to your memory, attention, and mood regulation. For children, it’s even a factor in developing vision as a whole.

Blue light therapy is already being offered to individuals who suffer from both clinical and seasonal depression. Studies have also tried blue light exposure to boost verbal memory. Additionally, concentrated blue light sessions have become popular for skincare, usually targeting acne and sebum overgrowth.

Finally, studies have been looking into the microbicidal potential of blue light for clinical medicine. With science furthering research into blue light, there may yet come a time when blue light will no longer be of any concern. For now, it’s good to know there are plenty of options to protect oneself.


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