Apple AirPods Pro 2 approved by FDA

white apple earpods beside black iphone 5

The FDA has officially authorized an over-the-counter hearing aid software that allows compatible versions of Apple AirPods Pro earphones to be used as hearing aids. This could be a significant advancement for those who have moderate hearing loss. In the past, hearing aids were bulky and conspicuous.

Margie Wise, a resident of Northern Kentucky, recalls her first hearing aid from when she was five years old. “My first hearing aid was very big, very bulky,” she said.

“I didn’t wear it a lot because I was so self-conscious about it.” However, Wise has seen substantial improvements in hearing aid technology over the years.

“Progressively, they’ve gotten smaller,” she said. Now, modern hearing aids are much more discreet and feature advanced technology, including Bluetooth connectivity. “That’s how I’m listening to you on the phone right now,” Wise explained.

Apple’s AirPods enhance hearing care

She switched from Android to Apple because “the features on the iPhone are so much better with the hearing aid,” she said. With the new FDA authorization, Apple is set to revolutionize the market by making AirPods available as affordable, over-the-counter hearing aids. Dr.

Colin Burkhart, an ENT specialist with the Christ Hospital network, pointed out the financial impact of this development. “Hearing aids aren’t covered by insurance, so a lot of hearing expense is out of pocket,” he said. Traditional hearing aids can cost up to $8,000, while Apple AirPods are priced at $249.

“Now, with Apple and other over-the-counter options, it increases competition, so hopefully drives down costs as well,” Burkhart added. Although this new development brings a positive change to the industry, Dr. Burkhart emphasized the importance of consulting healthcare professionals.

“This is a great tool to get more interest in the area of hearing loss and hearing aids, but sometimes people still need to come in and see their doctors to figure out exactly what’s going on,” he said. Apple announced that the new software enabling this functionality will roll out in October.


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