
Top 5 Internal Developer Portals of 2024 List

Top 5 Internal Developer Portals of 2024 List

Top 5 Internal Developer Portals of 2024 List

In software development, efficiency and smooth workflow are king. This is where Internal Developer Portals (IDPs) come into play, acting as superheroes in the digital Backstage. They’re not just tools but game-changers, streamlining development processes and significantly boosting productivity. Whether you’re a developer caught in the tangles of code or a project manager aiming to keep everything on track, IDPs offer a sanctuary of organization and efficiency.

This year, some standout platforms have caught our eye. We’ll dive deep into five remarkable IDPs: Port, Backstage, Atlassian Compass, Cycloid, and Roadie, each bringing something unique. Ready to find out which portal might revolutionize your development process? Let’s get started!

1. Port

Internal Developer Portals 1 - Port

Source: screenshot from Port website

Meet Port, a standout star in the realm of internal developer portals. Designed with the modern software team in mind, Port isn’t just another tool—it’s a comprehensive solution transforming how organizations manage and interact with their development environments. From seamless integration capabilities to robust management features, Port offers a user-friendly interface that caters to developers and project managers.

Key Features and Capabilities

Port shines with its features designed to enhance productivity and streamline operations. Key highlights include customizable dashboards, real-time analytics, and an automated workflow system that can integrate with various third-party tools and services. Its dynamic API management ensures that developers have less to worry about when it comes to maintaining and scaling their applications.

Benefits for Developers and Organizations

Port offers developers a sandbox environment where they can experiment without affecting the main production. This fosters innovation and significantly reduces the risk of potential disruptions. Organizations benefit from Port’s capability to provide a clear overview of project timelines, resource allocation, and developmental progress, which aids in better decision-making and project management.

Use Cases

Port has been effectively utilized across various sectors. In tech startups, it’s revered for speeding up product development cycles and enhancing team collaboration. Large enterprises appreciate Port’s ability to maintain governance and consistency across multiple development teams, even those distributed globally. One notable success story involves a leading fintech company that implemented Port to manage its growing suite of applications. By leveraging Port’s robust features, the company reduced its time to market by 30% and dramatically improved cross-team collaboration.


  • Enhanced productivity through streamlined processes.
  • Improved transparency and collaboration within teams.
  • Scalable to accommodate growth and new technologies.
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Potential Drawbacks or Limitations:

  • It may require a learning curve for teams unfamiliar with integrated developer environments.
  • Depending on the existing tech stack, integration can be initially complex.

2. Backstage

Internal Developer Portals 2 - backstage

Source: screenshot from Backstage website

Backstage offers a backstage pass to streamlined development workflows, acting as a powerful orchestrator behind the scenes. Developed to tackle the complexities of modern software development, Backstage serves as a single pane of glass through which every team member can view and manage their services, software components, and documentation. It’s designed to simplify the developer experience and boost operational efficiency, creating a more coherent and unified tech ecosystem.

Key Features and Capabilities

One of Backstage’s standout features is its extensible service catalog, which allows developers to create and manage all their software assets in one place. It also boasts an automated documentation engine, which keeps all project documentation updated and accessible. Moreover, Backstage supports plugin development, allowing teams to customize the portal to fit their needs and workflows.

Benefits for Developers and Organizations

Developers relish Backstage’s autonomy, enabling them to access all tools and services from a unified interface without toggling between multiple platforms. For organizations, the benefits are manifold, including improved governance, better compliance with development standards, and enhanced overall productivity. By centralizing functions and resources, Backstage reduces cognitive overload and frees developers to focus more on coding than administrative tasks.

Use Cases

Backstage has been adopted by various organizations, from tech giants to small startups. For instance, a multinational media company used Backstage to manage its extensive microservices architecture efficiently, reducing operational overhead and speeding up deployment times. A prominent e-commerce platform integrated Backstage into its operations and witnessed a 40% reduction in developers’ time searching for information and resources, substantially increasing their deployment frequency and service reliability.


  • A unified interface reduces context switching and information silos.
  • Extensibility through plugins adapts to various tech needs.
  • Automation of repetitive tasks and documentation.

Potential Drawbacks or Limitations:

  • Initial setup and customization can be resource-intensive.
  • It may be overkill for smaller teams or simpler projects.

3. Atlassian Compass

Internal Developer Portals 3 - Atlassian

Source: screenshot from Atlassian Compass website

Atlassian Compass is a navigational tool in the complex sea of software development, guiding teams through their architectural landscapes with precision. As a newer addition to Atlassian’s suite of productivity tools, Compass is designed to integrate seamlessly with other Atlassian products, providing a centralized directory for all microservices and their interdependencies.

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Key Features and Capabilities

Compass excels in microservices management, offering features like automatic service documentation, dependency tracking, and health metrics. Its integration with Jira and Confluence facilitates effortless information sharing and tracking, creating a cohesive ecosystem for developers and project managers.

Benefits for Developers and Organizations

Developers appreciate the streamlined access to microservices architectures, simplifying navigating and managing large-scale systems. Organizations benefit from enhanced visibility into their architecture’s health and dependencies, enabling more informed decision-making and quicker troubleshooting.

Use Cases

Many tech companies use Atlassian Compass to manage sprawling microservices environments, particularly those undergoing digital transformation or adopting cloud-native technologies.


  • Deep integration with other Atlassian products enhances workflow continuity.
  • Improved service documentation and dependency management.

Potential Drawbacks or Limitations:

  • Primarily beneficial for users already embedded in the Atlassian ecosystem.
  • It may require considerable setup time for maximum benefit.

4. Cycloid

Internal Developer Portals 4 - Cycloid

Source: screenshot from Cycloid website

Cycloid promises to demystify cloud infrastructure for development teams, focusing on making the DevOps framework more accessible and manageable. This tool champions a holistic approach, integrating cloud management, infrastructure as code, and continuous integration/deployment (CI/CD) pipelines into a unified platform.

Key Features and Capabilities

Cycloid’s standout features include:

  • An infrastructure diagram generator.
  • A stack designer for building and templating infrastructure as code.
  • A robust CI/CD pipeline orchestrator.

Its open-source nature allows for extensive customization and integration with various cloud providers and tech stacks.

Benefits for Developers and Organizations

Developers gain from Cycloid’s ability to automate many of the tedious aspects of DevOps, allowing more time to focus on development. For organizations, the main draw is Cycloid’s capacity to standardize and streamline DevOps practices across teams, leading to more predictable deployments and fewer errors.

Use Cases

Cycloid has found favor in industries ranging from digital agencies to financial services, especially those looking to adopt or enhance their DevOps practices. One notable case is a European bank that implemented Cycloid to streamline its deployment processes, resulting in a 70% reduction in the time to market for new features.


  • Streamlines complex DevOps processes and integrates various tools into one platform.
  • The open-source model encourages customization and flexibility.
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Potential Drawbacks or Limitations:

  • It can be complex to fully deploy and integrate without significant DevOps expertise.
  • It might be more tools than necessary for smaller projects or teams without robust DevOps needs.

5. Roadie

Internal Developer Portals 5 - Roadie

Source: screenshot from Roadie website

Enter Roadie, an IDP designed to supercharge Backstage, one of the portals we discussed earlier. Roadie simplifies Backstage’s setup and maintenance so that teams can focus more on development and less on operational overhead. It enhances Backstage’s open platform with additional managed services and customizations catering to enterprise needs.

Key Features and Capabilities

Roadie offers fully managed Backstage instances with custom plugin integrations, automatic updates, and enhanced security features. Its dashboard customization allows organizations to tailor the development environment to their specific processes and workflows. Additionally, Roadie provides advanced analytics tools to monitor the usage and performance of services and applications within the portal.

Benefits for Developers and Organizations

Developers enjoy Roadie’s streamlined user experience, which simplifies navigating complex software ecosystems. Organizations appreciate how Roadie fosters a more connected and transparent tech environment, which leads to quicker onboarding of new developers and more efficient project management.

Use Cases

Roadie is particularly popular among tech companies looking to implement Backstage quickly without the extensive setup typically required. Thanks to its robust security enhancements, it’s also favored by organizations with stringent security requirements. A notable success story involves a large e-commerce company that used Roadie to deploy Backstage across multiple departments, reducing onboarding time for new developers by 50%.


  • Significantly reduces the complexity and time required to deploy Backstage.
  • Provides enhanced security and customization options.

Potential Drawbacks or Limitations:

  • Less control over the underlying infrastructure compared to a self-hosted solution.
  • It may be cost-prohibitive for smaller organizations.


Selecting the right IDP is crucial in optimizing your development processes and enhancing productivity. Throughout our discussion on Port, Backstage, Atlassian Compass, Cycloid, and Roadie, we’ve highlighted how each can cater to different organizational needs. As you consider your options, reflect on what each platform offers and how those features align with your goals. We encourage you to thoroughly evaluate these tools to find the best IDP that fits your team’s needs and propels your projects forward. Remember, the right tools simplify workflows and inspire innovation and growth.


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